
The right to disinherit a spouse and why a spouse must protect his or her property in a marriage!

A Last Will and Testament, as a legally binding document, derives its validity from adhering to the stipulations of the law. A Will that meets all the prerequisites of a valid Will cannot be invalidated solely on the grounds that a surviving spouse has been disinherited. This principle aligns with the doctrine of freedom of […]

Legal Opinion on Non-Marriage certificate in Zimbabwe

I. Introduction A Non-Marriage Certificate, as defined by the Registrar of Marriages in Zimbabwe, serves as an official document confirming an individual’s marital status. This certificate is particularly relevant for Zimbabwean nationals either planning to enter into matrimony for the first time or seeking to remarry. The application process for a Non-Marriage Certificate can be […]

MUST READ: Mining and Tax Law Alert

In Zimbabwe, the Finance Act No. 13 of 2023, specifically Section 26(3), introduces a unique provision regarding the taxation of mining titles. This legislation imposes a special capital gains tax on the transfer of a mining title, encompassing transactions both within and outside the country. The intricate details of this tax are outlined below. According […]

Taxation and Royalties in Zimbabwe’s Mining Industry

The mining industry in Zimbabwe is not only rich in mineral resources but also subject to a nuanced taxation and royalty framework. In this article, we delve into the special rules governing taxation and royalties for exploration and mining entities operating within the country’s mineral-rich landscapes. Special Tax Incentives for Miners Exploration and mining entities […]


MUSARURWA & OTHERS v MINISTER OF JUSTCE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS & OTHERS HHC 751 SUMMARY OF THE CASE 1. The proceedings in this matter were initiated in 2017 when the plaintiffs, being long-term prisoners, approached the High Court seeking an order declaring the entitlement of themselves and all other prisoners in Zimbabwe to be […]

Understanding the Legal Provisions Governing Gazzeted or State Land

Introduction: The Constitution of Zimbabwe empowers the State to compulsorily acquire agricultural land through gazetted notices. Once the notice is published, the land becomes state-owned, and any occupation without lawful authority is prohibited. This article discusses the statutory restrictions on occupying, subletting, and alienating such land. 1. Acquisition and Ownership of Gazzeted Land: According to […]

A Detailed Examination of Zimbabwe’s ‘Patriot Bill’: Concerns about Its Impact on Civil Liberties and Constitutional Rights

As a citizen of Zimbabwe and a keen observer of our nation’s legislative landscape, I have been closely following the developments surrounding the introduction of the Criminal Law Code Amendment Bill, more commonly known as “The Patriot Bill”. This bill, while presented as a measure to protect the sovereignty and national interest of Zimbabwe, has […]

Element Africa: Diamonds, oil, coltan, and more diamonds

Offshore diamond prospecting threatens a fishing community in South Africa, while un-checked mining for the precious stones on land is silting up rivers in Zimbabwe. In Nigeria, serial polluter Shell is accused of not cleaning up a spill from a pipeline two months ago; the company says the spill was mostly water from flushing out […]