Clifford S Ncube is a Legal Practitioner, Conveyancer and Notary Public, practising in Zimbabwe. Holding an LLB Degree from the University of Cape Town (UCT) and a Diploma in Journalism with the Institute of Commercial Management (UK), Clifford possesses vast knowledge and experience in the legal and business field.
He is currently pursuing an LLM (Masters in Tax Law) with the University of South Africa (UNISA)
His specialty is in Commercial and Civil Law which he utilizes to offer legal and business solutions to a diverse corporate clientele. Clifford consults and renders legal and business advice to individuals and corporate clients across the globe on matters relating to Zimbabwean and South African Law. All services that he provides, he provides through Messrs Ndlovu Mehluli and Partners, a duly registered law firm with offices in Bulawayo.
Mr C. S Ncube is qualified to provide services in the commercial law sphere to all nature of clients including Municipalities, Companies, Close Corporations, Trusts, Public Benefit organisations, Small and Medium Business Enterprises, Partnerships and Sole Practitioners.
Mr C. S Ncube helps companies and individuals to close transactions by developing and evaluating multiple deal options, drafting and negotiating term sheets, and running the deal process from start to finish and advise a business owners on proper corporate when they are in the midst of a restructure, merger and/or acquisition.
Purchasing a new property is an exciting chapter – be it a new home or business. Do not let the mounds of paperwork and legal documentation take away from the excitement of your new purchase.
He also advices on all labour related matters, labour Court representation, disciplinary hearings
Ncube assists in dealing with Trade Union matters, Dispute resolution, Drafting & negotiating recognition agreements and Employment contracts.
Family law is a vast field encompassing an array of personal matters including divorce, custody of minors and antenuptial contracts among others. Our team of family law experts will handle your personal matters in the most delicate and fairest way possible ensuring a reasonable and desirable outcome for all parties involved.
The right to disinherit a spouse and why a spouse must protect his or her property in a marriage!
A Last Will and Testament, as a legally binding document, derives its validity from adhering to the stipulations of the law. A Will that meets all the prerequisites of a valid Will cannot be invalidated solely on the grounds that a surviving spouse has been di...
Legal Opinion on Non-Marriage certificate in Zimbabwe
I. Introduction A Non-Marriage Certificate, as defined by the Registrar of Marriages in Zimbabwe, serves as an official document confirming an individual’s marital status. This certificate is particularly relevant for Zimbabwean nationals either planning...
MUST READ: Mining and Tax Law Alert
In Zimbabwe, the Finance Act No. 13 of 2023, specifically Section 26(3), introduces a unique provision regarding the taxation of mining titles. This legislation imposes a special capital gains tax on the transfer of a mining title, encompassing transactions bo...